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About Us

Decorating your home is a process. You shop around looking for the perfect pieces: a dining table from Macy’s, a rug from Target, curtains from Pier 1 Imports, a bookshelf from Ikea, and then...something Islamic on the wall, that's from Egypt, or Pakistan, or [enter parent’s country of origin here]. Sometimes it is simply beautiful, and other times, it just does not fit.

Your home offers insight into who you are, and as American Muslims, our homes should reflect our own unique culture. While Arabic calligraphy is very beautiful, we also need Islamic wall decor that is in tune with the rest of our surroundings at home, that has a cultural aesthetic we can relate to, that is beautiful, yet modern, and that is in English, so we and our families can truly benefit from it.

This is where Modern Muslim Home comes in.

Modern Muslim Home sells high quality home decor, that is made especially with you in mind. We have a passion to fill the void in affordable, modern Islamic home decor and honor the fact that God loves beauty in everything. We sincerely believe our products are a way to make your home more beautiful as well as facilitate a more God-conscious environment for you and your family. We hope our products bring you as much joy as they have brought us.